Monday, March 07, 2005

Do you believe that there are people who need to be protected? E.g.,
Do children or people with disabilities need others to say what is
best for them?

Are there people who cannot be trusted with ideas. E.g., should
information on how to build a bomb be readily available to someone who
might want to express themselves violently?


"To me, censorship can be defined in two ways: paternalism and mistrust."

"Paternalism because those calling for the censoring of books or
television shows or movies think they know what's best for us."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A person with a disability is at an advantage in that they will not understand beyond their comprehension, so that even if they are exposed to "dangerous" information, they will not be able to use it in a harmful way, so I do not agree that the disabled need to be protected.

More than likely there are people who can't be trusted with certain ideas, but I am extremely uncomfortable with the idea of controlled media. This is perhaps a bit of naivety on my part, for all media is controlled in some way, but how would we decide who is incharge of controlling the media in this manner? What if a member of this committee used information in an inappropriate way? What would be the penalties? What would be the screening process to select members for this committee?
I think the whole thing is a lot more trouble than it is worth.
