Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Countdown to June 30

Three days remain in the "Banned Book Challenge." While I have reached my goal of 6 books, I was hoping to finish the Grapes of Wrath. Remember to submit your titles and let us know how you did.

169 people, including the person listed below have pledged to read over 1714 books.

smirk, philippines, more than 25


fahrenheit451moderator said...

Joanne, USA
Satanic Verses
Many challenges to orthodox religious thinking, mainly Islam but also other beliefs. "Magic" or miraculous occurrences occur frequently in the banned books I've read, so I guess the banners have very mundane souls.

Joanne, USA
Flowers for Algernon
Wouldn't it be nice to think that the challengers were upset at the callous and inhumane way that people referr(ed) to and treat(ed) the "retarded"? But no, I'm sure this book was challenged because Charlie's intellectual and emotional growth includes a sexual awakening, and the book deals with that frankly.

Joanne, USA
Lord of the Flies
Probably challenged because of violence -- but this parable of the inherent savageness of man, checked only by civilization, is both timeless and extremely timely. Everyone should read this. I read it with a group of very smart fifth graders who weren't harmed by the experience at all, and understood/appreciated much more of the layers of meaning than I ever expected.

Joanne, USA
The Outsiders
This classic of young adult literature was required reading for me, in an all-girls' Catholic high school, 20 years ago. If the nuns had no problem with it back then, how could it be challenged today? There's some violence, but pretty sanitized compared to most TV and movies. A few people die, but I'm told that happens in real life as well. There's a definite class divide, but that too is observable every day in the world. The most memorable aspect of this book is the deep friendships and familial love. Why ban that?

fahrenheit451moderator said...

Joanne, USA
Through the Looking Glass
I have no idea why this book was challenged except that it has some interesting ideas in it, and some people get nervous about that.