While you are there, take a look at other menu choices that have literary value. For example, Reel Reviews of Cult Fiction
Disclaimer: Watch for links to a certain bookseller. This looks like a subtle form of advertising.
This blog is now archived. A discussion on censorship through the Pelham Public Library, Fonthill, Ontario. Take the "Banned Book Challenge." A comprehensive list of "banned book" sites and resources for the novel "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury can be found on the sidebar.
Good list to have and all important books. Can you believe To Kill A Mockingbird was pulled from a school library here in Nova Scotia last year?
Just wanted to compliment you on a great site. I have been doing a banned books theme this week on my library employee blog
Would you mind if I linked to you?
Alan, I tried to contact you through your AOL but got an error. Anyway, please feel free to create a link. Let me know if you do. I have been printing off blog pages that reference us.
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