Monday, May 25, 2009

What's Too Sexy for Your iPhone?

According to the Toronto Star, a book-reading application created for the iPhone by James Montgomerie was rejected by Apple. "Eucalyptus: the library to go" would have allowed users to read free classic literature available at Project Gutenberg. Montgomerie was told that his application was rejected because of a policy which prohibits applications that include "inappropriate sexual content."

Apparently the approval team at Apple had managed to view an unillustrated translation of the Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana, an ancient text which explains love and sexuality.

According to MacWorld, Apple has changed its mind.

Read all about the Eucalyptus controversy at Jamie Montgomery's blog. Eucalyptus YouTube ad.

Join us in reading banned and challenged books. The Banned Book Challenge continues until June 30. Set your own goal.


BioPeach said...

Hmmm...I have yet to read the Kama Sutra...maybe this way more people will hear about Project Gutenberg...

laughingwolf said...

rats... i hate any kind of censorship